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Results for "keyword: "success""
Dancing With the Gods A passionate and joyful celebration of working in the arts.
The Winner's Brain Basic brain practices that can lead to high levels of human achievement.
Start Where You Are Trungpa Rinpoche's advice on not trying to fix people.
The Hidden Habits of Genius Anecdotes about geniuses and advice on creating a space for constructive concentration.
Fail, Fail Again, Fail Better A commencement address on failure as a spiritual teacher.
Better Than Before A thorough review of what is involved in changing bad habits and strengthening good ones.
Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be A plea to parents and their children to drop out of the college admissions competition.
Speed Stephanie Brown on how we got to the point where we assumed anything worth doing had to be done fast.
Adventure of Ascent Luci Shaw on how impermanence intrudes on our longing for a lasting legacy.
The Selfless Way of Christ Salutes the selfless way of Christ through downward mobility as an alternative to the cultural shibboleth of upward mobility and success.