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Results for "Discernment"
The Discerning Heart Offers suggestions on the Christian art of discernment.
Decision Making and Spiritual Discernment An illuminating guide to the art of spiritual discernment.
Reel Power Marsha Sinetar on learning meaning through watching films.
Discerning Life Transitions Guidance for those making major life transitions and for those who assist them.
Jewish Spiritual Guidance A reflective text for seekers and those who guide them on their spiritual journey.
Touching the Holy Spiritual exercises which can help us build self-respect.
Sacred Compass A cogent and illuminating work on the way of spiritual discernment by a gifted Quaker writer.
Image Guidance Rreveals how images from dreams, prayers and fantasies can be applied to one's relationship with God.
Eyes to See, Ears to Hear Explores the paths of everyday spirituality and meditative prayer.
The Discerning Heart Wilkie Au and Noreen Cannon Au on listening to audibles, or changes directed by changing circumstances.