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Results for "author_first: Ronald, author_last: Rolheiser"
Where Jesus walks with the disciples Where Jesus walks with the disciples
Church is not about a few like-minded persons Church is not about a few like-minded persons
If church community is not to take its foundation in like-mindedness If church community is not to take its foundation in like-mindedness
If our creeds are correct If our creeds are correct
Julian of Norwich once described God this way Julian of Norwich once described God this way
The Holy Longing Ronald Rolheiser on how our prayers need our flesh to back them up.
Forgotten Among the Lilies Ronald Rolheiser's story of a simple and humble devotional practice.
Against an Infinite Horizon A good case for everyday spirituality.
The Shattered Lantern Examines the bounties of the contemplative tradition.
The Holy Longing A bold and thought-provoking meditation on the concrete implications of the Incarnation.