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Results for "animals"
Blessings of the Animals Gary Kowalski on needing help from all our relations.
In Praise of Animals Jamie Sams on Earth Mother teaching us of our animal kin.
The Animal Manifesto Marc Bekoff's plea to make kindness and compassion the basis for our interactions with animals.
The Souls of Animals Gary Kowalski on finding hope in the eyes of animals and others.
Keepers of the Animals An Inuit-Inupiaq story about how the Great Spirit created the bowhead whale with great care.
Prayers for Animals Carol J. Adams on a devotional activity with your animals.
Animal Factory A sober drama set in a maximum-security prison where a middle-aged King of the Yard mentors an inexperienced middle-class young man.
In Praise of Animals A poem by J. David Scheyer on x-the mystery.
Animal Wise Virginia Morell on how animals are wiser than we think.
Animal Teachings Dawn Brunke on how rhinos teach us about patience and perseverance.