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Results for "author_first: Phil, author_last: Cousineau"
Stoking the Creative Fires Phil Cousineau on the imortance and value of good stories.
The Soul Aflame Phil Cousineau on ordinary people's devotion to the Book of Hours.
Soul Phil Cousineau on describing soul traits and finding meaning.
Once and Future Myths Phil Cousineau on enjoying life and meaning by slowing down.
Coincidence or Destiny? Phil Cousineau on seeing in a way that exposes meaning and what's there.
The Olympic Odyssey Edifying suggestions for rekindling the spirit of the Olympic Games.
The Soul of the World The Book of Hours as a medieval best-seller, intended for ordinary people as well as clergy.
The Hero's Journey Phil Cousineau's story of finding life's meaning with Joseph Campbell.
Coincidence or Destiny? Gary Rhine on seeing a sign from God.
The Olympic Odyssey The Olympic Odyssey: Rekindling the True Spirit of the Great Games by Phil Cousineau offers a spiritually edifying overview of this epic pageant and its meaning in our lives and times.