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Results for "author_first: Joseph, author_last: Telushkin"
Grateful for what you have been spared Grateful for what you have been spared
Joseph Telushkin in The Book of Jewish Values Jewish teachings regard wasting time
Joseph Telushkin in The Book of Jewish Values My wife and I periodically try to engage
Expecting the world to treat you fairly Expecting the world to treat you fairly
If we are happy with what we have, we are rich If we are happy with what we have, we are rich
It is not in our power to explain It is not in our power to explain
He is a descendent of our father Abraham He is a descendent of our father Abraham
Not treating others in a manner that we do not wish to be treated is truly Judaism's essence Not treating others in a manner that we do not wish to be treated is truly Judaism's essence
You are not as good as you think you are, You are not as good as you think you are,
Only to find myself doing the same thing Only to find myself doing the same thing