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Results for "keyword: "responsibility""
Sara Maitland in A Big Enough God Hope is the basis for taking responsibility
Honor Your Limits A reflection on honoring what is yours to do and what is not.
The Quaking of America Why healing from white-body supremacy is essential to democracy. 
We Need to Build Potluck ways to build community and support diversity.
Speaking Peace in a Climate of Conflict Dazzling essays on the amazing power, variety, and impact of words.
Our responsibility to be open to what comes Our responsibility to be open to what comes
It is the aim of contemplative living It is the aim of contemplative living
The formula for a successful relationship The formula for a successful relationship
Lurking beneath the surface of every society Lurking beneath the surface of every society
Should We Serve Nature or Should Nature Serve Us? By Fizza Raza for KidSpirit's Nature issue. The earliest records of history show that nature, in all its shapes and forms, has served humanity. From rocks used as hunting tools to fruit used a…