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Results for "author_first: "Scott Russell", author_last: "Sanders""
Scott Russell Sanders A profile with bibliography, quotes sampler, and lists of resources demonstrating the distinctive contribution to spirituality of Scott Russell Sanders, award-winning English professor and author of m…
The Way of Imagination Thoughts on how science and technology have moved us away from feeling kinship with all of life.
The Way of Imagination One of our favorite writers on seeing the world through the eyes of imagination.
Scott Russell Sanders in Staying Put There is no center
Scott Russell Sanders in Staying Put Nothing less than the undivided universe
Meeting Trees An introduction, through a father-son walk, to some of the most common species in a climax hardwood forest.
A Conservationist Manifesto Scott Russell Sanders on why the ark-builders don't identify themselves as consumers but as conservers.
A Private History of Awe A poignant and beautifully written spiritual memoir that salutes awe and the remarkable ways it enriches and deepens life.
A Private History of Awe Scott Russell Sanders on how awe awakens us to life and its wonders.
Hunting for Hope Scott Russell Sanders on family expressions of love that train us for community.