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Results for "author_first: Patricia, author_last: Livingston"
We are held by grace itself and only grace We are held by grace itself and only grace
There is another way to open ourselves to goodness There is another way to open ourselves to goodness
There's only one hope There's only one hope
Somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life Somebody dabs mercy on your beat-up life
I mean thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences that create positive energy I mean thoughts, feelings, actions, experiences that create positive energy
Spirituality is meeting God Spirituality is meeting God
The One Good Thing Encouragement to share at least one upbeat memory with your loved ones whenever you connect.
Let in the Light The spiritual uses of positive energy, reframing, kindness, laughter, and more.
Lessons of the Heart Patricia H. Livingston on nurturing through storytelling.
Lessons of the Heart Celebrates the values of everyday spirituality