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Results for "keyword: "Consumerism", latest_content: 1"
A Different Kind of Fast A guide to discern what’s missing in your life.
Asteroid City A play within a film about learning to see the world and all its surprises with wide-awake eyes.
The Practice of Finding Spiritual reflections and practices to help you know that the gifts we have received are more cherished than the ones you’ve been seeking.
White Noise An unforgettable movie about family, disasters, consumerism, addiction, and finding meaning in surprising places.
Birthday of Ralph Nader (PDP) Honoring the U.S. political activist, author, and attorney known for challenging corporations and the government to be more accountable to the public.
Meditations with Cows A beautiful written and illustrated memoir about species-to-species love, the modern food system, western ranch life, and global warming.
Lucky Life Jay McDaniel's invitation to chant the grace mantra.
Who You Are On the tendency to inflate who we are, be deflated in turn, and on the value of taking the middle way between not-enoughness and too-muchness.
Ascension A dazzling and enlightening documentary on China's capitalism, consumerism, and economic growth.
The Social Dilemma Explanations and predictions from some of the creators of social media about the consequences of our growing dependence upon digital communications.