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Results for "keyword: %22questions%22"
Spirituality and Aging Robert C. Atchley on what it means to grow spiritually.
The Wisdom Project Probes on philosophy and spirituality from the Wisdom Project.
Nothing Holy About It A teaching story about a monk who wanted the big answer.
Caring for Words in a Culture of Lies Marilyn Chandler McEntyre on the difference between hearing and listening.
Shaman, M.D. Eve Bruce on meaning being related to healing.
How to Survive Change . . . You Didn't Ask For M. J. Ryan on what you need to pay more attention to.
The Questions of Jesus John Dear on using the wise questions of Jesus in our lives.
Tying Rocks to Clouds 21 interviews with individuals who have wrestled with meaning.
Constructive Wallowing Tina Gilbertson on taking stock of your preferences and aversions to little things in your life to get to know yourself better.
Why Did Jesus, Moses, the Buddha, and Mohammed Cross the Road? Brian McLaren on why the locked door can no longer represent Christian identity.