Music Lyrics

It takes a leap of faith to get things going
It takes a leap of faith you gotta show some guts
It takes a leap of faith to get things going
In your heart you must trust
— Bruce Springsteen in "Leap of Faith"

Psychological Wisdom

Empathy is an emotional engagement. It is entering the Badlands of another person's emotions and camping out there with him.
— Daphne Rose Kingma in Heart & Soul

Buddhist Slogan

Be a friend to the world.
— Shantideva

Spiritual Wisdom

The way of the pilgrim is always to walk, no matter what the country or culture. Pilgrimage knows no boundaries, crosses over borders.
— China Galland in Longing For Darkness

Literary Wisdom

I am my best work — a series of road maps reports, recipes, doodles, and prayers from the front lines.
— Audre Lorde, American writer, feminist, civil rights activist

Folk Wisdom

It’s a blessing in disguise.


God give you
an ability to see good things
in unexpected places,
talents in unexpected people,
and the grace to tell them so.
— Ray Simpson in Celtic Blessings

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