"As we begin to think of practical applications of restorative justice, another guide is provided by the ten principles or signposts. These principles can be of use in designing or evaluating programs. Like the guiding questions, they may be useful in crafting responses to specific cases or situations.

Signposts of Restorative Justice

"1. Focus on the harms of crime rather than the rules that have been broken.

"2. Show equal concern and commitment to victims and offenders, involving both in the process of justice.

"3.Work toward the restoration of victims, empowering them and responding to their needs as they see them.

"4. Support offenders, while encouraging them to understand, accept, and carry out their obligations.

"5. Recognize that while obligations may be difficult for offenders, those obligations should not be intended as harms, and they must be achievable.

"6. Provide opportunities for dialogue, direct or indirect, between victim and offender as appropriate.

"7. Find meaningful ways to involve the community and to respond to the community bases of crime.

"8. Encourage collaboration and reintegration of both victims and offenders, rather than coercion and isolation.

"9. Give attention to the unintended consequences of your actions and program.

"10. Show respect to all parties -- victims, offenders, justice colleagues."

— Harry Mika and Howard Zehr