"Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi spoke from beyond time, from an eternal moment, so that in this moment, seven hundred years later, we can hear his words and immediately take them to heart as though no time or space separates us. It is as though we are listening to the voice of a friend who is able to put into words the yearning of our souls, and so make it comprehensible to our minds.

"Continually, Mevlana offers us an antidote to the intense isolation which so many people in the Western world have come to feel: he calls us to return, to shift our focus from the individual to the eternal whole, the Essence of all that is, by whatever name one may wish to call it. Mevlana encourages us to dissolve our separative, particular individuality within the ocean of our Source. He reassures us that it is Love that is seeking us. He calls us to accept that we are loved, and to recognize the immense treasure we gain when we open to the Love of our Creator.

"Listen, O drop, give yourself up without regret,
and in exchange gain the Ocean.

See our map for A Celebration of Rumi