"Grace is a good place to start any discussion of Christian spirituality. In many respects, it is what makes our faith unique. Grace itself is a multifaceted word with subtleties of meaning. It is something more easily experienced than explained. It is fundamental to our experience of God, for through it we realize that God forgives us no matter who we are or what we have done. This sense of forgiveness brings along with it a powerful sense of the love of God. This is a love that can be experienced in both the quiet and active moments of the day. Rather than encouraging a reserved approach to the world, grace can and should inform action that works to help others. This is our way of extending the kingdom of heaven to others. It can also help us to see where injustices have occurred, either individually or socially, and take action to correct them. Finally, grace helps us to deal with the good times and people in our lives, as well as with the more difficult times and people. Grace, along with consistent spiritual practice, opens the door for us to do what we must do in order to be God's servants here on earth."