Walk gently on this earth; don't harm
even a leaf or blade of grass without
Drive gently on our roads. Your car and
your path are filled with beloved
people and creatures.
Speak gently, each word can build a dream
or break a heart.
Look gently on the whole creation, believing
it is filled with the Divine, sometimes
latent, sometimes in full glory, and
all of it was created for your pleasure
and benefit.
Enjoy life — to be happy at all times is a
tremendous accomplishment,
bringing you close to all mankind
and creator, and your true self.
Live gently, cradling your own life, nurturing
your own dreams, kissing your own
sorrows, whispering soothing words
to yourself.
Love gently, being sensitive to all you
encounter, knowing all is connected.
Rest gently. . .
Sweet life, sweet dreams.