"A vision statement is the ideal life you want to manifest. It's the target you're taking aim at — the focus of your intention. Make sure your vision is detailed and covers all the important aspects of life, including love, work, purpose and meaning, emotions and feelings, spirituality, and finances. Here's my vision statement:

"My goal in this lifetime is to become spontaneous and free, awakened, and compassionate so I can become the change I hope to see in this world. My career involves writing books and articles and speaking on topics of health, healing, and spirituality. I assist individuals and corporations in realizing their full potential. I value my loving relationships with my husband, children, grandchildren, and close friends; and I maintain a rich, sustaining spiritual life. I'm committed to cultivating optimal health and being in nature as much as possible. The creation of beauty and harmony is important in every sphere. I see a future that is financially independent and philanthropic, with an active and balanced work life that continues until my time on Earth is up."