Promises to Myself . . . . .

"Approaching issues with enthusiasm requires self-confidence. Advance the role of enthusiasm in your life by including it in a promise to yourself.

Question Enthusiastically

It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.
— James Thurber

• "I promise to ask fresh questions all day long.

• " 'Learn essential things by making irreverent inquiry.'

• "Looking into this day, this might mean — with eyes of wonder, seeing old things in new ways; being relentlessly curious; staring long in the mirror.

Create Fearlessly

What is real is not the exterior but the idea, the essence of things.
— Constantin Brancusi

• "I promise to follow an enthusiastic impulse to innovation.

• " 'Pursue the natural progression toward unknown form.'

• "Looking into this day, this might mean — experimenting with unfamiliar materials, taking an unknown road, making something utterly unlike your patterns.

Practice Practice

Practice is nine-tenths.
— Ralph Waldo Emerson

• "Draw upon all of life, the whole practice, to create authentically and enthusiastically.

• " 'Be connected to the truth of your own practice.'

• "TODAY — practice practice; utilize your own skill set to expand into unknown things; represent all aspects, not just what appears or feels 'successful'; listen hard; appreciate what you don't know . . . honor knowing that you don't know.

Seize Synchronicity

There is nothing that can help you understand your own beliefs better than trying to explain them to an inquisitive child.
— Frank Clark

• "I promise to be observant of those 'little things.'

• " 'There are divine indicators everywhere — notice.'

• "TODAY — take note beyond coincidence; clap your hands and say, 'I believe,' and maybe Tinker Bell will revive; dare to participate in the unbelievable."