Three Suggestions

"— Become adamant about your imagination being your private sacred inner space. Be clear that no one is ever allowed to besmirch it in any way. Speak to your imagination with reverence. Pay homage to it. Stay in a constant state of gratitude for this beautiful inner sanctum that is your highest I am that I am, which you share with the creative Source of the entire universe.

"— Place no limits on what you allow yourself to imagine, and store those exalted ideas in a private place within you that no one is capable of sullying or discouraging. Place a Keep Out sign at the edge of your imagination to remind yourself that this is a private venue.

"— Invite the mysterious unseen world of Spirit to guide you. Create an atmosphere of allowing it in without pushing it. Recall Saint Paul's advice: 'That which is seen, hath not come from that which doth appear.' Funny language perhaps for us in the 21st century, but nevertheless, a powerful message to keep in your heart. It all comes from Spirit, and your own imagination is that very Spirit if you stay aligned with the unseen."