"Today's reality is simply a mirror of yesterday's thinking. Now, in this moment, standing in the field of miraculous possibility, you can disenthrall yourself of the limits of your past. Nothing binds you except your thoughts; nothing limits you except your fear; and nothing controls you except your beliefs. Think God, think Jesus, think Light, think Love, think whatever form of divinity calls to you. And all else will fall away."

Dear God,
I place my economic burdens in Your hands.
I surrender to You my debts and my sense of failure.
I surrender to You my fear and my need for help.
I surrender to You my visions and my hopes.
I open my mind and heart to the fullness of Your love.
I pray that You will correct my mind, restore my spirit, uplift my heart, and make perfect all things.
I surrender to You the work I do, my talents and my resources.
Use them on Your behalf, dear God, for the healing of the world.
May all my failures,
And all my success,
Take me closer to the Light of Love.