Music in Life and Prayer

"Take some time, if you can, to answer these questions in writing, alone, or communally, in a circle, with a group of friends or members of your congregation.

"What is the place of music in your life?
"What music? (
Do not censor your answer! This is not about dividing music between 'religious' and 'non-religious.')
"Why this music? What does it do for you or to you?

"Is music a solitary experience for you? A communal experience? Both?

"What are some of your earliest musical memories?
"What are some of your earliest memories of singing as prayer or as a spiritual activity?
"Any other significant musical moments or activities in your religious history and in your life history in general?

"What is it like for you to sing as a prayer?
"What do music or song do for you that other kinds of prayer don't?

"Do you sing — or make music — in groups? What's it like?
"Do you also sing or make music alone? When you pray?

"How does music bring together body and spirit for you?
"What kind of music do you love most?

"What music helps you to pray? (Again, do not censor your answer.)

"Now put this book down and sing — or play the drums, harmonica, piano, guitar, washboard, saxophone. Or put on a CD, turn on the radio, or call up a friend and go to that free concert in the park or community sing-along.

"Next time you go to worship, see if this exercise has changed your experience."