"In many ways, the word 'creativity' has been in a cultural pigeonhole; its association with the fine arts has led people to believe they are not creative if they are not involved in painting, music, dance, poetry, or the visual arts. This categorization has undermined the brilliance of a large portion of the population. It has led to a society of individuals who feel life is happening to them, rather than through them. As they abdicate the power of their imagination and creativity, the fire in the belly turns to smoke, and people end up suffocating their own passions and leading diminished lives.

"The myth that only a select few are creative has contributed to a world of disparities. We all know the trouble we're in. We all feel the daily news dragging down our spirits. And it's hard to imagine solving problems if we can't acknowledge our creative potential, if we hold onto the notion that 'he's got the whole world in his hands.' When a politician says it is blasphemous to worry about climate change because it doesn't acknowledge God's will in the matter, one can't help but wonder if that's an attempt to exonerate humanity from responsibility.

"That's the power of outmoded cultural myths. They don't keep up with our evolutionary pace. We can forgive our ancestors for not knowing any better, but our grandchildren won't forgive us for turning our backs on problems that need our creativity right now. We have a lot of power. Our choices and actions make all the difference. It is irresponsible today for anyone to think he or she is not creative. We impact and influence our culture with our stories, our consumer habits, our civic actions, our votes, our creations, and our media consumption. The world we live in is directly correlated with what we want to see and how we let our desires and demands be known.

"Every day, technology and science open up more arenas where human intelligence has an influence. As human citizens, we are at choice points and crossroads all the time. Information is coming our way at warp speed, and we get to make something of it. We absorb it and metabolize it, according to our creative consciousness. Just as cells metabolize food for the well-being of the entire body, so are we designed to transform information for the well-being of the global family. That is what our creativity is all about.

"As photosynthesis enabled the planet to evolve biologically, we too are experiencing a phenomenon enabling us to evolve consciously. We ourselves are agents of a new transformation, engaged in a process of 'infosynthesis' whereby we convert intelligence into inspiration through the creative power of our imagination. There is a purposefulness to each natural act – when the trees transform carbon dioxide into oxygen, it sustains humanity and allows us to breathe. When one person transforms his or her ideas or experiences into stories, songs, theater, etc., it sustains the rest of us on a soul level. It helps us live more fully, to feel connected. Imagine a world with no Beethoven, no Michelangelo, no Galileo, no Marie Curie, no Elizabeth Cady Stanton, no Rosa Parks. We could not have become who we are without the benefit of each other's creativity."