This collection of 5,000 quotations is arranged by centuries and has been compiled by Hannah Ward and Jennifer Wild, freelance writers and editors who live in England. In the twentieth century section, they have used more women and individuals from Third World countries and cultures. The reader can track quotations by either an index of key themes or one of key words.

One of our major interests is everyday spirituality. Here are the best quotes on the subject in this book. "Attention to little things is a great thing," says John Chrysostom. St. Teresa of Avila chimes in: "Nothing is small if God accepts it." Jean Nicholas Grou notes: "Fidelity in trifles, and an earnest seeking to please God in little manners, is a test of real devotion and love." According to William Blake, "He who would do good to another must do it in minute particulars." And to conclude, William Wordsworth comments: "Small service is true service while it last." Twenty centuries of Christian wisdom on the importance of trifles.