Ronald Gross, a pathfinder in informal learning, catapults us into the twenty-first century with this far-ranging, visionary, and practical resource on self-generated education. It is subtitled How to Create Your Own Lifelong Education Program for Personal Enlightenment and Professional Success. The "peak learning system" consists of a set of tools, techniques, and ideas that adults can use "to achieve broader, deeper, and more personal learning skills."

Gross defuses six common fears we have about study and provides exercises designed to help each individual tailor-make a program best suited to his or her needs. He then offers learning techniques that can improve reading and memory skills and enhance critical and creative thinking.

In the final chapter, Gross reveals how we can each tap into what he calls the invisible university — "the multitude of sources of information, advice, and help that can assist you in your learning." These resources include advertising, bookstores, museums, and zoos. This edition of Peak Learning — an earlier edition was published in 1991 — contains new chapters on "L(earning) Your Living" and "Peak Learning in Cyberspace." Whether you are starting up or just starting over, this superb paperback provides the most versatile tool kit for those who want to become active, adventuresome, and accomplished learners.