Chantal Monte grew up in the San Francisco Bay area in a household where Eastern beliefs and ancient traditions were practiced daily. She picked up much wisdom about Feng Shui from her Indonesian grandmother. In this art of placement, balance is sought and attention is given to the movement of energy in places and things. Rituals acknowledge the meaning in everyday life. Here are a few examples from this sprightly paperback:

When you have company over,
don't let everyone
leave the house at once;
too much energy will
be taken out.

Writing a person's name on a
piece of paper and putting it
in the freezer will help end
the relationship.

When cooking, don't hit
utensils against the pan
as this will change the
energy of the food.

When you drop or spill
something, instead of
getting upset
lie down next to it.

Move twenty-seven things in your
and your life will change.
— Old Chinese proverb