This 24-page board book is based on from Sandy Eisenberg Sasso's 2003 book Adam & Eve's First Sunset: God's New Day. Designed for children ages 4 and up, it is illustrated by Joanni Keller Rothenberg.

The story is condensed from the award-winning full-sized picture book but the message is still very clear. Children who might be concerned about the dark and uncertain about what might happen in the future will identify with Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden at the end of their first day on Earth. The sun disappears behind the mountains, and it becomes dark and cold. Adam and Eve ask God to bring back the sun before they huddle together and fall asleep.

In the morning, it happens. The sun rises again and paints the sky with light. "Adam and Eve thanked God for creating the day and the night, for the light and the dark. And every morning when the sun came up, they blessed the day. And every evening when the sun set, they blessed the night as well."

With those words on the last pages, this becomes a wonderful way to introduce children to the spiritual practices of greeting the dawn and the night with blessings.