"We must take the time to season our sense of possibility and to cultivate the taste for Oneness. The prime assertion of Your Deepest Intent is that we heal old patterns of dualistic thinking — them versus us, right and wrong, black or white — and learn to start with the assumption of Oneness," writes the Rev. Deborah L. Johnson, the founder and president of Inner Light Ministries, a nondenominational spiritual community in northern California. In this follow-up to The Sacred Yes, she shares 43 more messages from God to her that are aimed at all spiritual seekers as well as members of the global community who desire peace and a more just world.

The book is divided into five sections: Life Is in Session (covering possibility consciousness, pure heart, and cultivating new spiritual tastes), The Surrender to Be (dare to believe, be not afraid, love the vineyard), No More Comfort in the Comfort Zone (everyone has a calling, abundance, forgiveness), Deconstructing The Duality Demon (the road to Oneness, valuing differences, peace is a verb), and Restoring Our Legacy (sacred activism, America's role in the world, reconciliation).

Johnson believes that intent is the linchpin to divine activity in the world, and it grows out of our own creativity. One of the ways to activate this power is through possibility consciousness. God is present with us: "I have in mind what is the highest and best usage of the day. I have in mind all of your needs, as well as all of your concerns, even though I may not share your perspective about either. I provide all. My grace is sufficient. There is no need to worry or stress about anything."

Those are reassuring words, and the same message comes through loud and clear in other passages. God calls us to see ourselves as guests in a house that has been given to us: it is our duty to tidy up and take good care of the things that we handle and use. "Love life," says the One in Charge, "even when the way doesn't seem to be clear, fair, or perhaps safe. Love life anyway. In your love you will get the clarity."

Whenever we get up on the wrong side of the bed or get bent out of shape because things aren’t going as we expected, we should remember: "It is a good morning because I am Good all of the time." God also reminds us: "The only thing that needs to be healed is your sense of separation." Separation is the source of most of our problems on both an individual and a global level. Reconciliation is a divine option which has worked many times before in history when it was tried. It means being forgiving and letting go of our stories.

Best of all, God has given us many medicines to help us ward off sickness: "Meditation, prayer, affirmations, forgiveness work, journal writing, gratitude, loving, caring, being of service, creative artistic expression, and the like are all part of the practice that you must engage in on a daily basis to maintain a healthy spiritual immune system."