Jennifer Ackerman writes for National Geographic, The New York Times, and other publications. As a journalist, she has tracked the rare red-crowned crane in Hokkaido, interviewed a chimpanzee, chased a hurricane with geologists, and crossed the Pacific in a research vessel studying global warming. In this engaging and informative book, Ackerman covers a day in the life of the human body, from early morning through midday, afternoon, and sleep and dreams at night.

This gifted science writer draws our full attention to the wonders of the body and in the process gives us plenty of fresh insights into its many rhythms and myriad functions. She paraphrases St. Augustine: "We go forth to wonder at the heights of mountains and the courses of the stars, yet pass by the miracle of our own inner lives without wondering."

Here are some of the delicious details included in Sex Sleep Eat Drink Dream:

• You can tell time in your sleep.
• Just thinking about exercise can increase muscle strength.
• Women have more nightmares than men.
• The brain isn't built for doing two tasks at once.
• Memory fluctuates with the time of day.
• The shiny white enamel crowning each tooth is the strongest tissue in your body.
• There are 22 species of bacteria known to cause bad breath.
• A fifteen to twenty minute nap between 1 pm and 2:30 pm can relieve fatigue, boost cognitive performance, and recharge your mental batteries.
• Laughter is a great stress reliever.