Gerald G. Jampolsky is a psychiatrist and founder of the Center for Attitudinal Healing. His wife, Diane V. Cirincione, is a psychotherapist and co-author of many books with her husband. Just as the Tibet Buddhist teachers have gathered pith instructions (short, wisdom statements) for their disciples, this couple has created an uplifting collection of one-sentence gems which can be used for inspiration, encouragement, and training of our minds to choose positive, creative, loving, giving, and forgiving thoughts over ones that are negative, toxic, self-destructive, and judgmental. Here is a sampler:

• "Today I will see no value in comparing myself with others."

• "The secret to being happy is to give up all of my judgments."

• "The quality of my life will be determined by how much I give to others."

• "Live each day as if there is no enemy and there is no one to blame."

• "You have 20/20 spiritual vision when a weed looks as magnificent to you as a beautiful flower."

• "Self-forgetfulness is a way to unconditional love."

• "Imagination is the bridge to creativity."

• "Reverence for life may be more important than understanding it."