In the midst of today's unprecedented spiritual renaissance, it is sometimes difficult for seekers to find just the right path that meets their needs and yearnings. Now more than ever, maps are needed to help guide people through the wilderness. The editors of SkyLight Paths have come up with a handy resource to do just that. It celebrates religious diversity in contemporary America and posits the real value of learning from faiths other than your own.

At the outset, the authors define spiritual identity as "the pattern of beliefs, attitudes, and feelings about the sacred and the world — a pattern that defines who you are at the profoundest level." Next comes a nifty Spiritual Identity Self-Test with 29 statements designed to determine your Spiritual Type (1. Faithful-Rational, 2. Faithful-Contemplative, 3. Skeptical-Rational, 4. Skeptical-Contemplative). Then there are 63 statements aimed at helping you discover the spiritual tradition that most closely matches your beliefs.

Part Two of Who Is My God? presents a lovely overview of 28 spiritualities in America representing at least 500,000 members. Each description covers a basic history and beliefs; people you should know who are representative of the tradition; specific suggestions for further exploration including books, magazines, websites, and spiritual organizations of like-minded people; and contacts for more information. The last chapter challenges seekers to set up their own spiritual practice and to deepen and enrich it with retreats, worship, study, spiritual direction, and interfaith dialogue.