There is a reservoir of spiritual meaning in a loaf of bread. The baker uses his talent to make it and then delights in sampling it. The bread gives great delight to his wife who is eating breakfast in bed. Then she makes a sandwich for her son's lunch. Meanwhile, the loaf of bread sits on a shelf "dreaming of fields of wheat, perhaps, and humming to itself." In the park, the baker's wife feeds bits of the bread to ducks and a few fish. At lunch more bread is consumed by the baker's family. With a nice touch of kindness, the crumbs are given birds waiting outside on the garden wall.

Writer Allan Ahlberg and illustrator Bruce Ingman have created an engaging and playful tale about the journey of one loaf of bread and the nourishment for body, mind, and soul that it brings to the baker, his family, and the animals fortunate enough to be part of its story. The finale is just as much fun as what has preceded it.

To follow the trail of bread is to be grateful for this precious food and to see how it helps connect us with other beings. Hooray for Bread has been designed for children ages 3 to 5 years of age.