Hush was born of an integration of sleep science and spirituality. It was written to complement effective behavioral sleep medicine approaches with more traditional sacred views of sleep and dreams. Hush's 'prescriptions' are, therefore, meant to speak to the heart as well as the mind. They are not intended to provoke deep analysis but to invoke deep sleep," writes Dr. Rubin Naiman, a sleep and dream specialist and clinical assistant professor at the University of Arizona Center for Integrative Medicine, which is directed by Dr. Andrew Weil. His website is

Here is a sampler of passages covering sleep in all its mysteries and manifestations:

• "Going to bed with the same waking mindset we sported all day is like sleeping in clothes."
Waking consciousness, according to the author, is driven by intention, doing, results, efficiency, and pragmatism. Night consciousness is another creature altogether with its emphasis on receptivity, surrender, letting go, and peace.

• "Darkness is the best sleep medicine."
Our urban world is filled with light, and many of us suffer from a darkness deficiency, says Naiman. Make sure the place you sleep is totally dark; rest into that darkness, seeing it as an exquisite luxury.

• "Beyond all the complexities associated with it, falling asleep is an act of faith."

Falling asleep is our chance to give up control and relinquish oversight. Because falling asleep requires us to extend trust to something greater than ourselves, it is a spiritual practice.

• "Count your blessings instead of counting sheep."
Just before getting into bed, take a few moments to list all the bounties and blessings of the day. As Naiman puts it, "Gratitude is an exceptional sleep elixir."

• "The bedroom is a temple — a personal sanctuary and portal to night consciousness." Keep the television and home entertainment center out of this holy space. The bedroom should be a sanctuary from waking life where we are nurturing peace through prayer, silence, and meditation.

• "We can approach sleep as a sacred ritual-a spiritual practice."
That's worth repeating! "Consider what an additional 7 or 8 hours of daily spiritual practice might mean in your life." Nothing more to add!