Robert Fulghum has made quite a name for himself as the nation's foremost homespun philosopher. All I Really Need To Know I Learned in Kindergarten and It Was On Fire When I Lay Down are bestselling books designed to help us pay attention to the enlightening moments of our everyday lives. An abridged version of his new book, Uh-Oh: Some Observations from Both Sides of the Refrigerator Door is now available as a 90-minute spoken word audiocassette from Random House Audio.

It is a delight to hear Fulghum read his essays. In the opening one, he celebrates what he calls "the secret society of the Fellowship of the Fridge." Fulghum muses upon the signs of our lives on the front of our refrigerator doors, the meaning of leftovers, and the communal moments of late night snacks. In other essays, a cigar, a juniper tree, and a temper tantrum provide the author with occasions to meditate upon lovely memories, the capacity for self-healing, and the difference between a problem and an inconvenience.

At one point, Fulghum says, "Surprise is the core of existence. It's true. You never really know what's coming next." This spoken word audiocassette tutors us in ways to notice those surprises and magic moments in our daily lives.