This is an enlarged and revised edition of a 1986 anthology. The first section looks at women in ministry, sexism in the church, and different kinds of feminist spirituality. Sandra M. Schneiders, in a key essay, delineates how women have reclaimed "the reality and power designated by the term 'spirit'." They have found fresh sources of meaning in story-telling, personal growth, ritual, social justice, and networks of cooperation.

The second section contains essays on women's psychological development. Religious development is the focus of the third section with a heavy emphasis on ancient resources. The final section contains pieces on new directions for women's spirituality. A beautiful and thought-provoking essay by Elizabeth A. Johnson centers on the Spirit as present and active in the world today. A feminist reading of the life and work of Therese of Lisieux by Joann Wolski Conn celebrates her ownership of her own sacred experience and her emphasis on the importance of relationships.