The Christian church of the twenty-first century needs to be a community where meaningful stories are shared and fulfilling rituals are enacted. Herbert Anderson, a Lutheran professor of pastoral theology, and Edward Foley, a Catholic professor of liturgy and music, point us in the right direction in pursuit of that noble goal. They make it clear that churches desperately need to integrate worship and pastoral care. Both can be enriched by connecting divine and human narratives.

After discussing the meaning inherent in birth, marriage, and death rituals, the authors offer their ideas on the need for new rituals for periods of transition (leaving home), growth (the renewal of wedding vows), and loss (still birth, withdrawing life support). They also challenge congregations to find creative ways of including the ordinary stories of people's everyday lives into the ritual of worship. Anderson and Foley conclude with a plea for Christian communities to incarnate a spirituality of reconciliation "as a way of healing broken relationships and restoring people and communities shattered by violence."