This two and one-half hour audio retreat was recorded at Gampo Abbey in Nova Scotia. American Buddhist nun Pema Chodron examines the four noble aspirations that can be used to cultivate strength and openness in any situation. They are sturdy antidotes to fear and bolster the creation of fearlessness. One condition that sets up our reliance upon fear is our tendency to flee from the present moment in order to get away from the messes and miseries of everyday life. As Chodron succinctly puts it: "We are looking for strength in what weakens us." She goes on to explore the escape hatches of form, speech, and mind. In the first, we try to find comfort in things; in the second, we use our beliefs to limit ourselves; and in the third, we rely upon certain states of mind to give us protection.

Chodron's treatment of "the four great catalysts of awakening" hits the mark. She discusses maitre, or lovingkindness, first and offers a way to practice this virtue of a good heart. In her look at compassion, she covers its far enemy, cruelty, and its near enemies, pity and overwhelm. A danger of working with compassion is using it to separate ourselves from others. Chodron warns against polarized thinking, especially when we are reacting to the cruelty of enemies.

This audio retreat ends with a discussion of joy and equanimity. We especially liked the image of a person using equanimity to melt and soften hardness of the heart. As always, Pema Chodron sheds light on emotions that play an important role in our lives.