Halfdan Rasmussen (1915 - 2002) was a Danish poet known for his clever children's verse and his adult-oriented poems on social issues and human rights. Prior to his death, he granted Marilyn Nelson permission to produce English versions of his works. In preparing this book for children 4 through 8 years of age, she has been assisted by Pamela Espeland. The illustrator is Kevin Hawkes.

Many of these poems by Rasmussen are playful and lighthearted; they are sure to elicit laughter from those who hear the verses read aloud. In this world imagination is king. There are itty bitty people with "knees to crawl on, / bottoms to fall on," and an elf who comes up with a creative way to protect his nose against the cold. Poems cover the art of patting pets, what soldiers can learn from kids, and an innovative overview of the week's days.