The Crumbs of Angels

"Holiness comes wrapped in the ordinary. There are burning bushes all around you. Every tree is full of angels. Hidden beauty is waiting in every crumb. Life wants to lead you from crumbs to angels, but this can happen only if you are willing to unwrap the ordinary by staying with it long enough to harvest its treasure."
A Tree Full of Angels

God Moving Through the Day With Me

"As the stars again become visible tonight, I am reminded of a feast of leisure from my childhood days. I remember, on summer evenings, sitting outside on a quilt with Mama waiting for the stars to come out. Looking back at that moment with my adult eyes, I understand that God is Someone who has taken the time to sit on a quilt with me waiting for beauty. She is a Mother of Presence. I need only invite her into my moments of leisure. Her presence will empower my presence.

"As I tried to bring a deeper quality of presence to all my works this day, I found God moving through the day with me, like a Mother, opening my eyes to beauty, quietly, joyfully, gratefully, without complaining, I welcomes all the beauty that crossed my path."
The Song of the Seed

Celebrating Your Birthday Every Month

"One of the rituals that I've made part of my life is the celebration of my birthday once a month. . . . On the twenty-eighth of every month I make a special effort to spend more time in prayer, to have a greater awareness of others, to spend some time with beauty, to reflect gratefully on my birth. It is a celebration of what is important in life. Even when I'm traveling and can't take a day off, I still find ways to make this day unique. For me it's not a day to receive presents. It's a day to be present. I also try to give a little gift to someone on this day."
Gold in Your Memories

The Holy Land of Your Life

"If you visit the Holy Land you will discover that shrines and churches are often built upon the ruins of ancient hallowed places. So, too, the holy land of your individual life is built upon old ruins, former treasures, forgotten stories, wise ancestors. As you open the book of your life you will discover layers and layers of stories."
Gold in Your Memories