Claude Lelouch calls Cat and Mouse "a comic thriller" and so it is. A jaded and charming police inspector (Serge Reggiani) is assigned along with his cheerful partner (Philippe Leotard) to a case involving the mysterious death and/or suicide of a wealthy entrepreneur. The chief suspect is his enchanting wife (Michele Morgan) who was aware that her husband had a mistress. It is also possible that the dead man may be the victim of a radical terrorist group.

Lelouch does some marvelous things with his clever camerawork. And he draws out top-notch performances from the lead characters. One of the funniest bits in this droll film is the use of Reggiani's police dog. The "Belgium shepherd" is called upon by his master to gnaw information out of uncooperative witnesses. However, the dog is too cute to be terrifying and too disobedient to be effective. Like his master, he's all bark and no bite.