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12 Forgiveness All traditions raise up the value of forgiveness, but many people still find it to be a nearly impossible ideal. Explore these different perspectives on forgiveness.
12 Generosity There are so many ways to be generous. View these inspiring examples and then see how many more you can come up with on your own.
12 Grace Like invisible rain, Grace washes over all of us without us having do to anything. Acceptance is all that's needed to engage in this spiritual practice.
12 Gratitude Religious teachings and scientific studies agree: feeling and expressing gratitude puts you on the path to happiness and contentment.
12 Hope Hope is an emotion, a passion, a prayer, and a verb. We find it in everyday life and unexpected places. Best of all, we can plant it ourselves.
12 Hospitality Hospitality opens the door to strangers whether they be ideas, beliefs, or people, and welcomes them like old friends. Let these quotes help you open yourself.
12 Humility In these days of self-improvement and self-esteem programs, one spiritual quality we may overlook is humility — the practice of not putting ourselves first.
12 Humor Laughter is great medicine - so we've been told. Let these quotes tickle you into a lighter state of mind.
12 Imagination A rich inner resource available to everyone, imagination offers fuel for our human and spiritual journeys. Let your imagination take flight with these inspiring quotes.
12 Joy Rejoice and be exceedingly glad! That's the assignment. And the first step is to expand your sense of what it means to be joyful. Let these 12 quotes on joy help you.