Photo Galleries

12 Birthday Every time Spirituality & Practice's birthday comes around on March 21, we think again about how we celebrate births and rebirths. Enjoy and share this gallery whenever a…
12 Compassion Compassion, at the cornerstone of all religious traditions, is the ability to recognize, relate and identify with the emotions of others — to "suffer together with."
12 Connections What mystics have always known has been confirmed by physics and ecology — all things are interconnected. Dueling dualisms are giving way to holistic thinking.
12 Courage Looking for some inspiration? Some encouragement in a challenging time? Here are 12 uplifting quotes about courage to help you step out into a fuller way of living.
12 Creativity Creativity isn't just about the "arts." It can turn up in some unlikely places. Best of all, creative expression is a way to practice our spirituality.
12 Devotion Formal devotions are as varied as the traditions from which they come. They can also be informal with the simple recognition that everything is linked to the Divine.
12 Empathy As a gateway to peace, empathy is surely the best start. When we can truly see ourselves in others, the golden rule becomes easy to follow.
12 Energy Boosters When you have run out of energy and are feeling draggy and depleted, check out these spiritual practices designed to boost your spirits and renew body, mind, and soul.
12 Enthusiasm Enthusiasm means "one with the energy of God." Let these 12 quotes on enthusiasm help you get back in touch with the energy of the divine within.
12 Faith You can see faith not as something you have but something you are in — a relationship. Like developing any relationship, faith takes practice. Take a leap into faith.