1. Have you ever considered life as a jigsaw puzzle? Have you found where your piece fits?

2. What does Tristan the dog teach us about life?

3. What activity makes you feel in harmony with yourself and the world?

4. When you hear of environmental destruction, does it pain you?

5. Share your responses to Sheila Cassidy’s “pain and prayer all being part of the divine economy.” What does she mean by this?

6. What everyday object like the wooden spoon connects you to your history and ancestors?

7. When has your state of being impacted those around you?

8. What in your own life reminds you of the interconnectedness of all beings?

Possible Practices

1. Consider your own unity with others and the world this week.

2. Journal about ways you are supported by others and what you could do for them in return. Consider what gifts you have that could be of service to them.

3. Consider what small changes you can make in your own daily life that could impact those around you?

4. Create ways to help you remember you are part of a larger family and that everything is interconnected.

5. Experiment with connecting to something from you ancestry.

Visit the Unity homepage for more ways to practice this spiritual quality. Follow the links in the left column to:

  • a collection of quotations on compassion
  • book recommendations
  • book excerpts and teaching stories
  • film recommendations
  • music and art meditations
  • a daily cue, reminder, vow, and blessing for compassion
  • a prayer or mantra
  • personal explorations including imagery and journal exercises
  • practices and spiritual exercises
  • questions for discussion, storytelling, sharing
  • take action with household, group, and community projects
  • and more

Prepared by Persephone Zill with contributions from Frederic and Mary Ann Brussat