Find a place to sit out in nature, maybe near a tree, in a park or meadow, or on a balcony or doorstep.

Let yourself settle into the sensations within your body.

Notice the touch points between your body and the chair or ground.

Now feel the whole felt sense of your body sitting.

When your mind is drawn to a particular sensation, bring it back to the feeling of your body as a whole.

Be very interested in the experience of the felt sense of your whole body and feel the solidity and comfort within your body.

Now, notice the very subtle and soothing sensation of breath as it flows through your body ever so gently. Be very interested in this experience of the felt sense of breath as it flows through, moment by moment.

Now, open your eyes. With a soft gaze, let yourself rest in the vast visual field around you. Relax into this experience.

With a soft gaze, look into nature and be aware of little changes: a breeze blowing through, light casting a shadow on a leaf, an insect moving, a haze in the air.

Nature is always changing, from one instant to the next. Stay with this for a while.

Keep the soft relaxed gaze, and rest in the always transforming visual field around you.

Return to feeling the felt sense of your whole body.

Return to normal consciousness.

Radhule Weininger in Heart Medicine