Once upon a time Hazrati Ali's friend Muhammad was about to begin prayers. He was anxiously looking about for his friend Ali, who hadn't yet come. It was very unlike his friend to be late, so devoted to the prayers as he was. Muhammad fidgeted about but then knew he must start.

Just then, the Angel Gabriel appeared and held him back, asking him to wait just a little bit longer — his friend would soon arrive. Ali, who had been hurrying to get to the mosque on time had fallen behind an old Jewish man, moving very slowly, crippled and bent. Out of respect for the old man, Ali did not want to pass him up on the street. And Allah, the Most Compassionate One, did not want Ali to miss the first blessing and prostration of the day so he sent the Archangel Gabriel to delay the beginning of the prayers.

This short story is full of blessings: Ali blessing the old man whom he followed in respect and humility, the first prayers and prostrations of the day, and the coming of the angel on behalf of another's soul, acknowledging that one blessing is rewarded by another, and another, and another. There are it seems, no limits to blessings.

Megan McKenna, Send My Roots Rain