Search Results

Results for "main_practice: Attention, submediums: Arts - Art Book,Arts - Photography Book,Arts - Photo Gallery,Arts - Other,Features - Art"
Art Can Help Simple ways of approaching art as part of any spiritual practice.
Painting Now A robust and substantive survey of contemporary painting on a global scale.
Enso A fascinating collection of enso (Zen circles) with commentaries on these art works with calligraphy.
Praying with Icons An Orthodox explanation of icons as aids to prayer.
Art as Medicine A watershed work on new directions in caring for the soul.
A Voice at the Borders of Silence A rich and rewarding autobiography of this extraordinary man's spiritual journey.
Move Closer A bridge to the satisfactions available in the art gallery.
Spirituality & Art: A Multiversity 20 ways to look at art as an expression of spiritual qualities and pursuits.
Ed Ruscha's Standard Station How art can sharpen our vision to see the ordinary in new ways.
On Pilgrimage A tribute to 25 sacred sites around the world, featuring writings of pilgrims from all eras and places.