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Results for "content_type: "Practice Description""
Teachers Be willing to learn from the spiritual teachers all around you, however unlikely or unlike you they may be. Always be a sensitive student.
Gratitude Spell out your days with a grammar of gratitude. Be thankful for all the blessings in your life.
Compassion Open your heart, mind, and soul to the pain and suffering in the world. Reach out to others and discover the rewards and obligations of deep feeling.
The Power of the Heart Ways to address fears and change behavior from Rhonda Britten and Pema Chodron.
Thanking & Blessing - The Sacred Art Jay Marshall on how to walk cheerfully.
Sacred Attention Margaret McGee on the art of paying attention through lectio divina and writing haikus.
Togetherness Expressing gratitude
Conjure Up a Smile Smiling Makes the World Go Around
Being Grateful Feeling joy for what you have
The Needs of My Neighbor Making the material needs of my neighbor, my spiritual need