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Results for "content_type: Practicing%20Democracy%20Project"
Resmaa Menakem A profile with bibliography and distinctive contributions to spirituality of Resmaa Menakem, author and psychotherapist specializing in the effects of trauma on the human body.
For Before a Protest A prayer to be a thoughtful and inclusive force for liberation and justice.
For Labor Unions A prayer of protection for the right to unionize.
For Voting A prayer for the pursuit of justice and the common good.
Metabolizing the Reckoning A practice for conflict resolution in our bodies that helps us prepare for both peril and possibility.
Fraudulence, Impostorhood, and Shame An exercise for healing and transforming self-doubt.
Not Your Fault, But Still Your Problem An exercise for acceptance of the shared responsibility to keep white-body supremacy from spreading.
What We Face Preparation for activism as a form of healing and expression of regard, caring, compassion, and love.
The Quaking of America The Five Trauma responses.
The Quaking of America Individual and collective symptoms of racism.