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Results for "keyword: "community""
Losing Moses on the Freeway Chris Hedges on how the Ten Commandments lay down guidelines to sustain community.
Journeys of Courage Joy Carol on finding acts of kindness and caring communities full of courage.
Truly Our Sister Pays tribute to this first-century peasant who fulfilled her mission as a friend of God and a prophet.
Holy Silence An inspiring overview of the treasures of Quaker silence.
Peacemaking Circles A fine overview of this healing and transformative process.
Thich Nhat Hanh Demonstrates that practice is the key to spiritual transformation in everyday life.
Strength for the Journey Reveals the liberalizing of a hardcore evangelical Christian within a series of mainline Episcopal churches over two decades.
Sharing the Journey Looks at the phenomenon of support groups and what it all means.
Ordinary Miracles Examines a year-and-a-half in the life of St. Mary's Episcopal Chruch in Lake Mohegan, New York.
The Sacred Art of Listening Offers a rich and multidimensional understanding of this important spiritual skill.