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Results for "keyword: "sharing""
Share What You Love A call to share your gifts.
Sharing Michael Berg on practicing a moment-to-moment intention to share.
A Ladder for Thieves A teaching story about kindness and concern over other emotions.
Giving Old Clothes Away Considering new clothes as replacements for worn ones.
Return a Lost Object The crucial deed of making sure others have what belongs to them.
Listen to an Opposing Opinion Invite flexibility into yourself.
At the Movies Remarks about listening like we're at the movies.
Rejoice How rejoicing in the happiness of another person is an antidote to jealousy and a path to joy.
Glenn H. Mullin in Gems of Wisdom from the Seventh Dalai Lama Lama Tsongkhapa suggested that instead of
Surya Das in Awakening the Buddhist Heart In Tibet every monk, nun or lama begins...