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Results for "latest_content: 1, main_practice: "Faith""
Birthday of Abraham Joshua Heschel (PDP) Quotes to remember the wisdom of this Jewish teacher, theologian, and social activist.
Al-Hijra Celebrating the Islamic New Year.
Eid al-Adha The Feast of Sacrifice that concludes the Islamic days of pilgrimage.
Hidden Self A prayer to realize your God-given potential.
Heavenly Love A prayer for steadfast trust and surrounding love.
Flop An embodied way to pray for trust.
A Child of God A prayer for embodied faith and love.
John Wesley's Birthday Celebrate the birthday of John Wesley, the co-founder of Methodism, with prayer, thrift, and singing.
Pentecost: Celebrating the Gifts of the Spirit Ways to celebrate this Christian holiday marking the coming of the Holy Spirit, with special rituals, meals, and lots of red things.
Pesach (Passover) Suggestions for observing this Jewish Holiday.